Code: PNLJXH7T2FE41WWF Verify at:
I started studying for the Network+ on and off since January 2023, and studied every day before 24/01/2024 for 1 month, I passed it on 24/01/2024 with a score of 757/900. Since then, I gained comprehensive knowledge of the key areas of Networking which is;
Networking Fundamentals, Network Implementations, Network Operations, Network Security, & Network Troubleshooting.
I chose to take the Network+ as my first I.T certification, because I believe it is a good entry level exam to test my knowledge of Networking terms. The CCNA was a consideration, however, it would have taken me a lot longer to study for, and I wanted to get an idea of what it is like sitting an I.T exam before going for the CCNA, so I thought the Network+ was a good option because it covers a broad array of networking topics. I will be taking the CCNA after I receive Network+.
Networking Fundamentals
I studied the OSI model, every service and all associated ports, subnetting, NAT, how the internet works, Ethernet, network topologies, TIA/EIA wiring standards, cable types, IPv4 and IPv6, DHCP, DNS